Developer Programs



Interface Changes

Interface Changes

Changes appear in the SymXchange interface for Symitar Release 2021.01.

The differences listed here occurred between Symitar Release 2021.00 and 2021.01. The File column refers to the service name, the Record column refers to the data transfer object (DTO), and the number in the Field Number column is an internal number in the Symitar database. The Description column describes the changes.

If you are using an operation with a DTO mentioned here, we recommend recompiling the code for the corresponding service.

You should recompile your web service client to take advantage of the new Symitar Release 2021.01 features and fields.

ParameterCardWiz23 - Important: Due to the change of the field data type, the value of the DisplayNameFields field will not be returned in all retrieve operations and will not be able to be updated in the update operation of the CardWiz record type.Revised field: DisplayNameFields data type change from boolean to short
ParameterCardWiz79-82New fields: ExpirationMonthsLow, ExpirationMonthsHigh, RestorePrevExpActiveDate, and AllowNonIndividualName
ParameterIrsContriLimit61New field: IrsPrevYrContribCutoff
ParameterOnlineFileMgr5 and 6New field: HighPriorityFraudTrackType and SaveRejectedMsgsInDialog
Last updated Thu Mar 30 2023