FEDWire ISO 20022 Information
The Federal Reserve System announced in June 2022 that the ISO 20022 message format would be adopted by the Fedwire Funds Service on March 10, 2025. The Fedwire Funds Service will replace its existing Fedwire Application Interface Manual (FAIM) format with ISO 20022 messages.
This section of the Jack Henry Developer Portal is intended to provide development resources in one location to help banks and fintechs manage this migration. We highly recommend that a consumer of the wire services become familiar with all of the documentation provided by the FED and our team.
Important Links
- Jack Henry Gap Analysis ** - Updated**
- FAIM Tags to ISO20022 Data Elements ** - Updated**
- FED ISO 20022 Standards
- Fedwire Funds Service ISO 20022 Implementation Center
- Access to SWIFT Site with Fed Mapping Guide
JH Wire ISO Related APIs
- Wire Transaction ISO Addition: WireTrnISOAdd
- Wire Transaction ISO Modification: WireTrnISOMod
- Wire Transaction Inquiry: WireTrnInq
- Service Dictionary Search: SvcDictSrch
Mapping FAIM to ISO
Jack Henry is not offering mapping assistance for the FAIM to ISO 20022 standards. We understand that can be frustrating. This is due to the multiple ways that a wire may be setup in the new ISO 20022 standard and that there are not one-to-one mappings between the old and new formats. We highly recommend that you work with a bank partner as they should have a UAT environment setup to test with the Fed on this initiative and seek out information made available by the Fed.
Operational Data Integration Extracts
There are several fintechs that have asked if we are planning on making updates to the Operational Data Integration (ODI) provider. The answer is yes, there are new extracts being developed. Their release is tentatively planned for January 2025. We will update this space once those new extracts are available for subscription and testing.
Additional Assistance
If development assistance is needed beyond what is located in this section, we request that a case be created. See below for the methods:
- If you are a Jack Henry client, please log a case via the For Clients Portal.
- If you are a VIP Member, please log a case via the Vendor Portal.