Notification Send Addition Errors

Error CodeMessage
2001The message request header is required.
2002The audit workstation ID is required.
2003The consumer product is required.
2005Value does not match defined list of enumerations.
2016The institution routing identifier is required.
2021The audit user ID is required.
2401The valid consumer name is required.
2505Access was denied. This error can be triggered by multiple events:
  • Invalid ValidConsmName
  • Invalid ValidConsmProd
  • Invalid InstRtId for ENS
  • ValidConsmProd does not match ConsumerProd in the Body
2700The business correlation ID is required.
3103This field is required and cannot be null.
3114The alert send information record is required.
3116Format is invalid.
3117The send alert array is required.
3118At a minimum, you must have at least one entry in the SndAlrtArray.
3119Specifying a Consumer Recipient Account ID requires specifying a Consumer Recipient Id.
3120The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Date Time is invalid.
3121The specified alert name is not valid for the applicable publisher library for the institution.
3122The AlrtInfoRec requires an initialized SndEvrySub element or at least one valid record in the SndAlrtArray Array.
3123You must provide either ConsmRecipId or DistGroupId in the SndAlrtRec.
3124PubVer not valid for this institution/publisher combination.
3125You cannot provide both ConsmRecipId and DistGroupId in a single SndAlrtRec.
3126The specified institution has no deployed publisher libraries for the specified publisher.
3127When specifying to send to every subscriber, you may not include recipients in the SndAlrtArray.
3128Out of Range (limited to 512 characters).