Enterprise Solutions

EDPP Person Product Dictionary Inquiry

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EDPP Person Product Dictionary Inquiry

EDPP Person Product Dictionary Inquiry

EDPP Person Product Dictionary Inquiry is a jXchange service designed to allow users to inquire on data for a requesting customer.

Message Flow

In jXchange, the EDPP Person Product Modification service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to inquire on data for a requesting customer.

Primary Request

The consumer forwards the EDPPPersonProdDictInqRq_MType message to the service provider. The message contains the following simple elements:

  • CustID
  • ProdCode
  • ProdSubCode

The message contains the following complex elements:

  • Custom_CType
  • MsgRqHdr_CType

Primary Response

The service provider returns the EDPPPersonProdDictInqRs_MType message to the consumer. The message contains the following simple elements:

  • CustID
  • EDPPDictName
  • EDPPDictVer
  • ProdCode
  • ProdSubCode

The message contains the following complex elements:

  • CustAddr
  • CustName
  • Custom_CType
  • MsgRsHdr_CType

The message contains the following array elements:

  • DictRsArray_AType

EDPP Person Product Dictionary Inquiry Behavior

The EDPP Person Product Dictionary Inquiry service behavior is as follows.

The EDPP Person Product Dictionary Inquiry root request (EDPPPersonProdDictInqRq_MType) requires the Product Code (ProdCode) and Customer Identifier (CustId).

The EDPP Person Product Dictionary Inquiry root request (EDPPPersonProdDictInqRq_MType) optionally includes the Product Sub-Code (ProdSubCode).

The EDPP Person Product Dictionary Inquiry root response (EDPPPersonProdDictInqRs_MType) echoes back the Product Code (ProdCode), Product Sub-Code (ProdSubCode), and Customer Id (CustId). The EDPP Person Product Dictionary Inquiry root response (EDPPPersonProdDictInqRs_MType) returns the following elements:

  • Customer Name (CustName_CType)
  • Customer Address (CustAddr_CType)
  • EDPP Dictionary Name (EDPPDictName)
  • EDPP Dictionary Version (EDPPDictVer)
  • Dictionary Response Array (DictRsArray_AType)

The Dictionary Response Array contains the Dictionary Response Information Record (DictRsInfoRec_CType), which contains the Dictionary Data Name (DictDataName) and Dictionary Data Value (DictDataVal).

The Dictionary Response Array (DictRsArray_AType) is based on a dictionary managed by SSG Data Classification Review.

Adhere to the Inquiry service tenets.

Adhere to the faults and warnings tenets.

Adhere to the correlation identifications tenets.


EDPPPersonProdDictInqRq_MType is a message MType element.


  • Custom_CType
  • MsgRqHdr_CType

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this message.

The identifier attached to a customer. It includes the OvrrdInstRtId attribute.
The code that identifies a product type of account within an application. Canonical values are:
  • jha-4sight
  • jha-argokeys
  • jha-cif2020
  • jha-coredirector
  • jha-imagecenter
  • jha-silverlake
  • jha-synapsys

ProdCode is a hybrid open enumeration.

The code that identifies a product type of account within an application. Canonical values are:
  • jha-4sight
  • jha-argokeys
  • jha-cif2020
  • jha-coredirector
  • jha-imagecenter
  • jha-silverlake
  • jha-synapsys

ProdSubCode is a hybrid open enumeration.


Custom_CType is a complex CType element.

This element is optional.


MsgRqHdr_CType is a complex CType element. This is the default message request header.


  • AuthenUsrCred_CType
  • jXchangeHdr_CType

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

Authentication of the Consumer Product Credentials in the form of a WS Security element that contains a single SAML V2.0 Assertion.


AuthenUsrCred_CType is a complex CType element. This element represents authentication of the end-user credentials in the form of a WS Security element that contains a single SAML V2.0 Assertion.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

Defines the wsse:Security SOAP header element per section 4.


jXchangeHdr_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The user ID that the consumer would like written in the audit as performing the requested service. It varies, but it could be the same as the user ID. It is not used to authenticate. It is used to audit the Soap Header Fault.
The workstation ID that the consumer would like written in the audit as performing the requested service for the Soap Header Fault. It varies, but it could be the same as the user ID.
The user ID which the consumer would like the service provider to authenticate with for the Soap Header Fault. It is a user ID that the provider understands.

This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01. The new complex element for user authentication credentials was added to both the Search Message Request Header SrchMsgRqHdr_CType and the Message Request Header MsgRqHdr_CType. AuthenUsrId is ignored by the service providers when the authentication user credentials AuthenUsrCred_CType package is delivered. The expectation is that the password credentials and the user name token are provided in the authentication user credential complex element in accordance with the standards established by WS-Security.

The correlation identification as related to business functions and activities.
The name of the service consumer (business name) for the Soap Header Fault.
The name of the product which is consuming the service (business product name) for the Soap Header Fault.
An identification provided by the consumer that defines the environment in which the institution is operating. Canonical values are:
  • Prod
The identification of the entity of the submitted message. A financial institution entity uses the routing transit or nine-digit number assigned to financial institutions for routing as assigned by the American Bankers Association. Any leading zeros must be provided for a complete routing and transit number. A non-financial institution entity should use a mutually agreed upon identification that must contain at least one non-integer character. The canonical value is JHA.

The element is required in all message requests.

An identification provided by jXchange to be able to trace the request and response of a message from the third-party gateway, internal gateway, and service provider for the Soap Header Fault.
Contains the version jXchange is running for the Soap Header Fault.
The consumer name that can be validated by enterprise governance. The canonical values are managed in a consumer/product enterprise table. The canonical value is: JHA.
The consumer product name that can be validated by enterprise governance. The canonical values are managed in a consumer/product enterprise table.
The correlation identification as related to workflow functions and activities.
jXchangeHdr_CType Deprecation Details
The user ID which the consumer would like the service provider to authenticate with for the Soap Header Fault. It is a user ID that the provider understands.

This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01. The new complex element for user authentication credentials was added to both the Search Message Request Header SrchMsgRqHdr_CType and the Message Request Header MsgRqHdr_CType. AuthenUsrId is ignored by the service providers when the authentication user credentials AuthenUsrCred_CType package is delivered. The expectation is that the password credentials and the user name token are provided in the authentication user credential complex element in accordance with the standards established by WS-Security.


EDPPPersonProdModRq_MType is a message MType element.


  • CustAddr references Addr_CType
  • CustName references PersonName_CType
  • Custom_CType
  • DictRsArray_AType
  • MsgRqHdr_CType

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this message.

The identifier attached to a customer. It includes the OvrrdInstRtId attribute.
The dictionary name used for EDPP processes.
The version of the dictionary used for EDPP processes.
The code that identifies a product type of account within an application. Canonical values are:
  • jha-4sight
  • jha-argokeys
  • jha-cif2020
  • jha-coredirector
  • jha-imagecenter
  • jha-silverlake
  • jha-synapsys

ProdCode is a hybrid open enumeration.

The code that identifies a product type of account within an application. Canonical values are:
  • jha-4sight
  • jha-argokeys
  • jha-cif2020
  • jha-coredirector
  • jha-imagecenter
  • jha-silverlake
  • jha-synapsys

ProdSubCode is a hybrid open enumeration.


Addr_CType is a complex CType element containing address information. This element is optional.

CustAddr references Addr_CType.


  • FreeFormAddr_AType

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

Answers the question: Is this a business address? Y states it is a business address.
The city name.
The country name.
The country abbreviation from ISO 3166.
The county name.
The delivery point added to the ZIP code.
Is this a foreign address? Y states it is a foreign address.
Is this address invalid? Y states mail has been returned from this address.
The postal code or ZIP code.
The two-character alpha code which represents a state. For example, MO.
The state or province or region.
The street address.
The second line of street address.
The third line of street address.


FreeFormAddr_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of free form address lines 1–11 in a printable/usable form.


  • AddrLineInfo_CType

AddrLineInfo_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

Free-form element of address lines 1–11 in a printable/usable form, generally not separated.


PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.

CustName references PersonName_CType.


  • X_PersonName

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
The first name.
The last name.
The middle name.


x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.


Custom_CType is a complex CType element.

This element is optional.


DictRsArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of EDPP dictionary entries.


  • DictRsInfoRec_CType


DictRsInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The dictionary entry name.
Application or user remarks free-form text.
The state of the request for the data dictionary. Canonical values are:
  • Dlt
  • Retain
The value of the dictionary entry name.


MsgRsHdr_CType is a complex CType element. This is the default message response header.


  • jXchangeHdr_CType
  • MsgRecInfoArray_AType


jXchangeHdr_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The user ID that the consumer would like written in the audit as performing the requested service. It varies, but it could be the same as the user ID. It is not used to authenticate. It is used to audit the Soap Header Fault.
The workstation ID that the consumer would like written in the audit as performing the requested service for the Soap Header Fault. It varies, but it could be the same as the user ID.
The user ID which the consumer would like the service provider to authenticate with for the Soap Header Fault. It is a user ID that the provider understands.

This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01. The new complex element for user authentication credentials was added to both the Search Message Request Header SrchMsgRqHdr_CType and the Message Request Header MsgRqHdr_CType. AuthenUsrId is ignored by the service providers when the authentication user credentials AuthenUsrCred_CType package is delivered. The expectation is that the password credentials and the user name token are provided in the authentication user credential complex element in accordance with the standards established by WS-Security.

The correlation identification as related to business functions and activities.
The name of the service consumer (business name) for the Soap Header Fault.
The name of the product which is consuming the service (business product name) for the Soap Header Fault.
An identification provided by the consumer that defines the environment in which the institution is operating. Canonical values are:
  • Prod
The identification of the entity of the submitted message. A financial institution entity uses the routing transit or nine-digit number assigned to financial institutions for routing as assigned by the American Bankers Association. Any leading zeros must be provided for a complete routing and transit number. A non-financial institution entity should use a mutually agreed upon identification that must contain at least one non-integer character. The canonical value is JHA.

The element is required in all message requests.

An identification provided by jXchange to be able to trace the request and response of a message from the third-party gateway, internal gateway, and service provider for the Soap Header Fault.
Contains the version jXchange is running for the Soap Header Fault.
The consumer name that can be validated by enterprise governance. The canonical values are managed in a consumer/product enterprise table. The canonical value is: JHA.
The consumer product name that can be validated by enterprise governance. The canonical values are managed in a consumer/product enterprise table.
The correlation identification as related to workflow functions and activities.
jXchangeHdr_CType Deprecation Details
The user ID which the consumer would like the service provider to authenticate with for the Soap Header Fault. It is a user ID that the provider understands.

This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01. The new complex element for user authentication credentials was added to both the Search Message Request Header SrchMsgRqHdr_CType and the Message Request Header MsgRqHdr_CType. AuthenUsrId is ignored by the service providers when the authentication user credentials AuthenUsrCred_CType package is delivered. The expectation is that the password credentials and the user name token are provided in the authentication user credential complex element in accordance with the standards established by WS-Security.


MsgRecInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of messages that can be returned in a response.


  • MsgRec_CType

MsgRec_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The Soap Header Fault error category.
The error code.
The Soap Header Fault error description.
The Soap Header Fault when an error or fault occurs. This optional element contains the element which is causing the error condition.
The Soap Header Fault when an error or fault occurs. This optional element contains the value of the element which is causing the error condition.
The Soap Header Fault error location. This is typically the program that generated the error condition.

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Last updated Mon Jan 24 2022