Enterprise Solutions

Data Broker Pipeline Efforts

Data Broker > Data Broker Pipeline Efforts

Digital Advanced Analytics

Get a clear picture of customer behavior by tracking their movements through your digital banking platform. This dataset includes analytics from all your Banno apps including user paths, product adoption, and feature usage, and can be used for a wide variety of purposes such as informing product decisions, building marketing campaigns, understanding usage trends, and more.

DIGITAL History Events (Banno)

Dive into the details of your customer’s activity from a system standpoint. This dataset encompasses details about various events such as user login attempts, customer devices, high-risk events, and more. Notably, this dataset excludes application-specific navigation and transaction data.


Allow your customers to use your digital banking platform as a central location for all their external fintech data. Finicity—a MasterCard company focused on financial data sharing, security, and standards—aggregates financial information from external applications to give both you and your users a full view of their financial picture.

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Last updated Wed Mar 20 2024